As we know we are on the destiny track as an Oracle Developer & Designer.
Then we also accept the serendipity oriented heavenly guidance.
Which brings us to a text that affirms this very daya - KIN142 ("one four two"):
White Crystal Wind
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Core Clan- Fire
I dedicate in order to communicate
Universalizing breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of timelessness
Then this morning an ion said : throw the destiny oracle with them 3 coins ...
which gave the heaven-heaven combo given the trigrams by Lise/Isis HexaGram number 01:
The directing power of Heaven
Changing lines on 1-4-6 - changing the whole Hex.01 into Hex.47
Enclosed tree
Then there was also an interrupt from Cosmic Human who signalled a special function on the site to throw the oracle ...
That one gives another interpretation given the Question: How does the other one react on the action performed which is advised by the prime oracle reading ...
It gave hexagram 51 thunder thunder: thunderbolt - hex. 51
changing lines on 2 and 3 move it into : a man of stone - hex. 34
A man of stone
Great vigor. Harvest: determination.
The great image says:Thunder up in Heaven: great vigor
The noble one will not tread a path without ritual
So what is the ritual offering honour to the "other side"?
( paying respect to the task demanded onto the functionary on a charge )
- - So after the ritual the clear order is to be installed ... as a heaven double ruler from a given situation at charge(s)
- we have our stand given the peoples vibration to overcome small talks ...
- the man of stone is also refering to st'one - the silent one
- it's core mission is "the riddle of the stone"
- it's chief execution officer is known as Valum Votan & its staff
- connect Nicolas R. and his Peace Flag to the HarMony iso MonEYE
- connect that to the CHC chroniclues ...
- and the stone of scone and how scones are as cookies ;-))
- then the passawaypebble anecdote synchronized ...
- and then the real meaning for "the cornerstone of society" is revealed
- which is about "the lie to be in open air framing all"
- this is about freedom to understand what it is to be acitizen vs. being human
- Qián acknowledge by Oracle Developer in Royal Mission (see below)
- Initial 9 : Submerged dragon. No employ. (this means a period of "no employ" affirmes the situation cooperated by the individual with the collective)
- 9 at 3: The noble one is the whole day creative creative. In the evening he is alert like in danger. Without fault. (this beholds the fact he keeps on writing in the open mindsphere to get things out of his chest giving order to his purified templebody)
- Above 9: Overbearing dragon. There is regret. (this gives the impulse to the "souldeers" gesture to allow the one in formal charge to decide on the offer electrified)
- ... (more may come when it ripened into words)
}prime hexagram{
The directing power of Heaven
Eminent - expansion
Harvest - determination
Eminent - expansion
Harvest - determination
The great image says:
Heaven moves: firmness.
A noble one owing to his own strength never ceases
Heaven moves: firmness.
A noble one owing to his own strength never ceases
} the core hexagram') is equal to the prime one: also Qián {
') line 234 below line 345 above
") that ones destiny from changed lines is X61
KUÍ ~ Looking askance
:-{ i see this in writing in public on (blog)sites & partaking fora }-:
}acting on vulnerable flies as operation is natural force on the move => public awe{
} destiny oracle from X01 given by 3 changing lines {
Enclosed tree
The great image says:
A marsh without water: confined
A noble one incurs fate on fulfilling his aspiration
A marsh without water: confined
A noble one incurs fate on fulfilling his aspiration
Then an open view is mediated in allowing the feelings from the "people"
as audience "suffering" in Hex.51 <= impulsed by Tzolkin archetype Kin052 "Cosmic Human" (she is kin051 in the morning >> similar vibration by number? on sync-mode!)
Shock, expansion
The shock comes: fright, fright
Laughter and talk: shriek, shriek
The shock scares a hundred Li
He does not forget the ceremonial ladle and the libation
The shock comes: fright, fright
Laughter and talk: shriek, shriek
The shock scares a hundred Li
He does not forget the ceremonial ladle and the libation
The great image says:
Repeated thunder: shocks.
The noble one through anxiousness and fear sets in order and examines
Repeated thunder: shocks.
The noble one through anxiousness and fear sets in order and examines
The changing lines on 2 & 3 applied directed the solution into:
A man of stone
Great vigor. Harvest: determination.
The great image says:
Thunder up in Heaven: great vigor
The noble one will not tread a path without ritual
Thunder up in Heaven: great vigor
The noble one will not tread a path without ritual
Last one is a combination that has heaven below and thunder above ... which includes the Heaven and Thunderbolt perfectly ... Iz this the Synchron Pulse to follow , my Prudence?