but the it is also the beginning , the annoucement for another cycle ...
July fourth is celebrated in United States for
Independent Day ...
this is connected to the fiqure of
notice Volonté Generale from Rousseau might pivot into
Volonté Integrale those days ...
300 years ago Rousseau was born in Canton de Geneve (Swiss)
on june 28 , 1712 => goes here with ))) ALPHAOEN ((( mantra
The 3 here are selected while me orientation was inspired over 20 years ago by reading the history of the adventures of the Marquis ...
Quite a guy / hero / knight ... to build on , i'ld say ...
Vive la France , Vive la RepubliQue
Vive l'homme vivante
haab POP 14
haab POP 14
Blue Self-Existing Monkey
Blue Magnetic Monkey
White OverTone Wind
TreeKweak KIN 382 / 122
Wavespells, resp.
Action Power Essences, resp.
beautify elegance art
play magic illusion
communicate spirit breath
Dynamic Pivots
Power Action Essences, resp.
measure define form
attract unify purpose
command empower radiance
tri-knighty 251 131 122
TreeKweak combines past & future in a harmoniQ
') on the WIKI this remark: he probably was not a freemason at all; he -his body & name- was used as a propaganda tool for the "secret jobs club" : that's why hes was first placed in the Pantheon 16 years later