Monday, July 23, 2012

Bat Moon initiates 3th Year in Serpent 5 Quantah

Happy NooYear !!!

what does Serpent 5 implicate ??

the idea iz given by 4 red years on ..
moon skywalker earth & dragon (next sun experience cycle)

the red seal serpent is below then as watercarrier

so this initiates the 3rd cycle .. at service ...


mark the bat image ...
it shows 9 bats
10 spaces

Sunday, July 15, 2012

turtle on Mayan Tzolkin NewYears daya!

today it iz july 15 - publishing this page
one day after remembering Bastille in Paris

leaving the prison

which may be a good idea
todaya and all days to co me


new here is number 1089
whuich is the moon on 9 this kweak
according the running 4th cycle of KweakSpell Calender
started -as a ref.- on july 23, 2009

1089 vibrates 10 before 8 and then 9

this means be perfect on advance
before handling your means

in dutch 10 is "voortuur" ; 9 is "natuur"

( "voortuur" is similar as intention = "in 10T ion" )

this is my wish as galactic wind 242 in treekweak

S 'ace ... Y

in this kweak a new moon
here a desciption 

reference table for the randomized setting

Friday, July 6, 2012

t ur tle - life kweak ..

young one on the head lead ?