Monday, September 20, 2010

bivideotex (2)

in this topic i 'm urged to set up continuing articles:

right in the sight of the LORD
tells us a story on Moses & Aaron or the other way around: Aaron & Moses
(note the AM vibration from this turnover)

LORD => 13-12-9-4 => 38 (#11 & 2x19)

and see it as L'ORD ...

and do not fourget L - character L the 3x4th character ... of change ...
which is a FORCE and as a NAVIGATHOR on the SHIP
advisor to the CAPTAIN


Sunday, September 19, 2010

1428X7 - correction

the 2 recent articles here on 142837 are wrongly based , simply while my screen is "filthy". This caused to see the number 5 into 3 :-(

Result from Dividing 37 by 28 is 1.32142857 - last 6 digitstring repeats looping
Then 35/28 gives 1.25; 42/28 gives 1.50
6 numbers between 35 and 42 give the string 142857 / 571428 / 285714 in repeating loops after:
36: 1.[285714]
37: 1.32[142857]
38: 1.3[571428]
39: 1.39[285714]
40: 1.4[285714]
41: 1.464[285714]

Probably this is an arithmetic property when we are dividing with a fractal of 7 in the divider
- here 28 (4x7)

test: X/21 and Y/35:
36/21= 1.7[142857]
36/35= 1.0[285714]

well, okay this iz true and i finish off ... the object of research


then do i have to clear the articles ?
i guess they still have a certain value ... for the ratio of 7 ... how it behaves in the residu where 7 is not in the origin number (here 35 to 42) where it is in the divider (28 35 42).

maybe this is the track why 7 was chozen as the "religious" number for the human body.

Then we may ask how number 9 behaves in the RESIDU.

some checks:
36/9 = 4
37/9 = 4.11111111 aka 4.[1]
38/9 = 4.22222222 aka 4.[2]
44/9 = 4.88888888 aka 4.[8]
45/9 = 5

So this may be the conclusion for having number 9 as divider i.s.o. 7:
it gives a more steady [RESIDU] where 7 results in 3 kinds of a [RESIDU] ')
') giving the 3 RESIDU forms: 142857, 285713, 571428 ")
") this may give an angle on the solution for having the trinity thought in the 7-world ... - as a suggestion clarified from this exercise

just a few minutes after plotting the above, i read this Dutch message:
"In de echte werkelijkheid, bestaat geen Chaos. Chaos is gewoon een patroon dat nog niet begrepen of waargenomen wordt."

ENGLISH: "In pure reality CHAOS does not exist: CHAOS is just a pattern that was either not understood or still not yet observed (by a human catalyser)."

In relation to the living of a human being this Dutch message concludes:
"Met bewustzijn kan de mens ook orde in de chaos waarnemen, en een aantal bewuste beslissingen nemen om zo de besturing van het eigen leven en lot te controleren."

ENGLISH: "Applying awareness the human being can observe an order within chaos, and take a number of aware decisions to navigate its own life and control destiny."

Friday, September 17, 2010

142837 mysticallY approached

shouts in Y (english WHY)

14 iz 5 itself and expresses from 4 human fractals given in 2 hands and 2 feet.
1 is the thumb and 4 the fingers  and the thumb interlinks the whole body equiped.
5 iz the number that denotes the power of the heart (freeD from emotions)

28 represents 10 as a perfect number numerically ONE and ZERO
and 28 iz declared in the CALENDAR inherited from the MAYA and other ANCIENT SEERS

While we used to see 28 as a harmoniq 7777 that is said to be a too comfortable way to envision its result / product 28 ... simply while the formula [ X*Y*Z+1 ] also gives 28 as a result having XYZ as similar value - here 3 : 3x3x3=27 PLUS 1 makes 28 ...

Which declares itself in the noo/new dispen(sen)sation KWEAK or KWEAKSPELL.

So, whispering this in our horse as them plead'ers : we change o'ur time into 3 k'weeks of 9 daya a week and will lay down in 3 k'weeks a moon of 28 daya which also makes the celebration daya 28 very global, say planetary applicable ... to all themes and fields aligned to humanity and its spell ...

Then ...
37 is anoother "10" as 28 - illusionary giving 10+10+5 => 25 as 2 hearts merging a fuse - metaphorically meaning 2 people see the same star rizing as the product from the gathering.

Note 37 is the fractal added to 3 in the formula:

X * Y * Z => 111 / 222 / 333 / ... 999

parameters set X=3 Y=1-9 Z=37

focus on 2 special numbers in that range/interval: 333 and 999 why:

3 x 3 x 37 = 333 & 3x3x3x37=999
This merging the latter with 27 , the moon timebase from the EINSTEIN ENERGY FORMULA in HUMAN RATIO

May the S'aints" go MARCHinG in ... noosphere alliance

;-) S'ace

E' = M C ** 2 + 1

} is written in due time, label is installed by now {

concept version below

Lately i dreamed away and a v ision got me in a BurnOut that BurnedInside the very Centre Radiant Spot ...

Let me see how this story traps its own storyline ...

Let us first simply declare the EINSTEIN simple formula into a form that is pretty close (title) and get it to its more elegant form:

Energy => X * Y * Z + 1

Say X=M is mass measured from gravitation powers that allow a unity ant a figure/measure/number to that

Y and Z behave as a constant within a quadrant/square

+1 behaves as the future from this measured formula ...

and then we see the formula 28 = 3 x 3 x 3 + 1 ...
which meets the former when X=Y=Z=3 and 28 is a number which is also applied in the 13x28 calendar for a dynamic interval where all human beings share space, share time and get to their talents in a free(D') world from "dogma".

3 can be the base number;
3 can be the power as 27 resides from 3x3x3
3 can be the circle formula constant pi which only integer is 3 (dot 14...)

the residu that adds to 3 in pi seeds in tomorrow - simply relying on that ...

Namasté , S'ace

ref. 142837 bivideotex labels in this blog

shortly said the constant base is represented in 142837 (25=5**2 ~where 5 iz the heart-H)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


so again i looked to this figure with an unknown to that:

He counted them starting wit the sides and counted 7 dotsd at each side ...
so 3 sides with 7 dots sum into 21 - the black jack number
but then we started to sum the triangel and counted into 18 =>: 3 less
conclusion 3 dots are doubled
that is what cooperation is about ...

We also executed this procedure to the inner triangle ...
which has 4 dots at a line so illusion sets up into 3 lines of 4 into 12 dots
and again the count for the triangle gives 3 less than the illusion promotes

then we saw the inner dot , which is just 1 ... but then the illusion should give 4 more ...

AH ... so the illusion sum should give 21+12+4 => 37
which is a great number while it is a fractal of the trinity fractal that produces 111 ...

SO ?
well 111 iz a partner in the serial for 111, 222, 333 ... to 999 from that it goes into 1110
1110 ?
that might be the illusion for the divine number at the end, does(nt) it?

Who can tell that ?

What does make sense to this story ?
Well , my point of view as a bivid biovoiding i Gamble and Play the Game from Tzolkin Perspective
Which sets 37 into kin 37 as the navigathor - label Spectral Earth which matches to the idea of the Rainbow Warriors who are cooperating in noosphere ally to form the noogrid.

mark 3 as the last years feminine spice of SELF-EXISTING SEED which is also SELF-EXECUTING as well as SELF/EXITED as SELF/EVIDEND and so on ...
claiming the idea of the uninhibited child ~ the free child : free from mental paradigm/historic "abuse"?.

SELF EXPERIENCING is also a simultaneous expression that qualifies what is happening to the individual in a world at a certain state of "having gained" / which might also include the loss.


again seeing the image we might conclude the trinity dots angling the 2 tringles are doubled by the illusion and the center dot istripled in the illusion ...

The 2 numbers that remain are 28 for the real number of dots in the figure ...
and number 37 for the illusionary number that also represents the cooperation that "immediately happens".

A factor should give 37/28 which raises a great serial:


and how does this relate to

A Question that iz just a Guess for further propagates experience ...

I hope the Queest did fill in something special
and it it didn't i still trust the show as worhtwhile ...

Happy Days are (T)Here aGain!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


(i see this is blog number 13 here)

  • what is bivideotex?
  • how does it work?
  • what is its history / phase for getting alive?
  • some examples

what is bivideotex?
description: it is a method/system for  breaking a characterized formation as a word/term into a number/amplitude/frequency-rate
technical behaviour: character A to M are valued similar as Z-N which is valued by 1 to 13;
this all inspired by the TZOLKIN dynamic (see link on top)

how does it work?
description: "each map that is put through will pop up a true thing" is a form that claims a spontane truth
especially when it is founded on a strong base. here we claim that the mirror is placed within the 26 character alphabet as a (programmed/intuit spontaneous) fact.
So it works in the analytic process where the human being searches for its most prudent articulations that also pinpoint to ratio (as a perfect way to attune with other speaker/listeners).

what is its history / phase for getting alive?
First ion may have been the word "bivid"  which grew from resetting divid(e) - does that make sense?
well, anyway the word in itself shows a mirror effect where b and d are as db : mirrors within 1 circle and a vertical (twin) line. Therefor this includes the YIN/YANG dualistic motive that facilitates a thrid one: the line that merges from the 2 twins.

some examples
TRUTH=TURTH= 7 6 9 7 8 => 37 ')
GOD = DOG = 7 12 4 => 23
TIME=ITEM= 7 9 13 5 => 34
LOVE=EVOL= 12 12 5 5 => 34
LIFE=LIEF= 12 9 6 5 => 32
EARTH=HEART= 5 1 9 7 8 => 30 
RHYTHM = 9 8 2 7 8 13 => 47
RHYME = 9 8 2 13 5 => 37 (as TRUTH)
RATIO = 9 1 7 9 12 => 38
SPACE = 8 11 1 3 5 => 28
TIME = 7 9 13 5 => 32

") see how spacetime sums into 32+28=60 (minutes an hour)

shortlist } TOWER37 LIVE31 FOOL42 SAN21 DOG23 CAT11 HUMAN34 WOMAN43 {

note: i could give meanings to the search but then have to give space/time to the participants as a gesture to build the noo world together ...

number magic/clues
23/32 : 23 triples into 69 and 32 doubles in 64 - which is how the DNA formula diverts a GHOST in the MACHINE delivered by the 69 trinity thought on GOD; see -1/+1 ratio
37/73 : fractal of 111 and so in the array 222 - 333 ... 999 (9 "lords of time"); 73 is the number of TZOLKIN cycles that raise an ELDER; the number aligns to the -4/+4 ratio
34/43  : behaves as 23 on the ratio clue but then 1 dimension higher; notice 3to4 gives number 12 which is actually the first -1/+1 ratio (again : so a bouble one which implies 24 known as hours a daya)

ratio clues
-1 / +1 indicates ONEness; step by step , the one leading the other

-2 / +2 covers 5 positions where 0 iz the central meeting point

-3 / +3 implicates number 7 as the number of tones within the OCTAVE / universal BODY

-4 / +4 is the mystery range where 9 positions (incl. 0) hold the sphere "to breath"

(more ratio declared include 0 and 5/6/7/8/9)

well this one may grow into more "proof"

;-)) 8 s'mileS'high

outcast here: RATIO which gives 38 and pinpoints a -5/+5 ratio which is not in the list  set free

later KUNDALINI comes in the decode arena:
11 6 13 4 1 12 9 13 9 => 78 ...

is this close to QUETZALCOATL:
10 6 5 7 1 1 12 3 12 1 7 12 => 77 ... indeed

special one iz YHWH : 2+8+4+8 => 22 => kin number in Tzolkin for Bolon Ik
see this writing - number 9  ( either false suggestion or challenge for truth-direction )

but then close in number might be challenging in fractals ...
78=13x6 & 77=7x11 ; what is the crucial discriminathor ?