Tuesday, April 23, 2013

synchronizing the Best of Earths Venus Affection

What is getting to 29 ?

in the legacies of dr José Arguelles
& the many as (see his book 4/7 CHC)

it just means
the one guiding the emperor / the genius headman

this is a crown
to be considered
while it is still active

in fact 
it often is as a nations god / empress
at a deeper level of the outcome, merchandised

open the eyes and smile 
to yr self 
envow the auric temple

Bono citing Charles Bukowski

never doubt ones talent, just go for it ..
all the time go for it and show yr vibes true

Friday, April 12, 2013

Dogmoon Life kweak in Crystal (tone 12) Focus , planetary moon

torus idea visualized

is in fact meant on the noo/new voting system ... where appropriate acts interconnect as intentionally communicated on globalgeniusvoter , a pioneering table of articulation the essential focus brew.

this moment arose very delicate managed / guided / cherished ...

this kweak was initiated by last daya previous kweak ..
an impulsive call to my free end Glans
it was in both roses
so 11th he came visiting my tomb
was holistically pulses by my fellow human13, EB
(CHUEN12 in the morning)
an everlasting connection was sealed

so , being late for 1 kin/daya,
VULPTURE, no Chimps aka Gorilla daya seems nowww
ready to visit A'dam once again
on exchange base


post scriptum
today this letter made me smile ;-)

T'Ritz its & Kweak Out

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dog Barks the Embarkmental Gestures

this moon the neighbours Dog Todd of Thoth is empowering
of course he is just a member of all the animals
but then human likes to focus every now and then
that is why we have this one as guiding the other ones

we remember its barking
from the intentional realm 
that interconnects

the noo beginning
after a cold fusion, that ended a period ... (3 fold)

}}} * {{{

dutch intermission
in Nederland ontmoette ik mijn lieve hond zeven
hij leerde mij de heilige en heiligende plasplekken
zoals in de GER
een uitnodigende rondgang

tevens vanaf nu de bioVoid 9 ..
linksboven op elke dag 1 van een kweak
de NULde dag van de kweak
die in feite de lege 28e dag inbed
(het einde is aanwezig in de allereerste ademstoot)

ENGLISH shorty
symbol bioVoid 9
in fact embeds the destiny emphasized in daya 28 (zero) each moon
it is within the breath from a soul, a presence, a being

(this is why the 9th dot is centered and white colorall, clean from history)

a pineal gland activation 30 minutes
Drunvalo Melchizedek