Monday, April 19, 2010

1.10.3 VOIDkweak DOGmoon

What iz Gathered needs some working the VOIDs OffSpring ...

SÌRdaya is opened by KIN011 which is represented by José Arguelles aka Valum Votan, the messenger ánd Closer of the Cycle acting upon Cosmic Rays.

This is essential to note in our personal temples while this iz the Perfect Moon that lays down an ordering path to pivote to for the human R'ace - not a "race" against the clocktime, but more a jester "ace" that iz able to SEE with the given EYE (R - radiate).


As the Dreamspell Year cycle starts with a certain colour it iz celebrated again on the classic DooT; this year YELLOW SEED ends up in YELLOW STAR on 7/25. And this DooT iz the first DôYE where Kweak has redefined the TIME-MEASURE to 4 years as a whole unit. In 2012 we - humanity - should align LEAPDAY next to DôME, DôYE as DôTE: Daya ôf Time Experience. Not just close each year; rather see the bigger picture in 4 as a radiant part of 20 (5x4).

So 13 iz the number of MooNs a Year and 9 iz the number of days a "Week": a Kweak.
We count 39 kweaks a Yearcycle: 156 kweaks a TimeCycle of 4 Years.

In this kweak 1.10.3 we see how the STORM seals this VV-kweak.
It is possible to use the AIRborne of European Flyers after some Blue Sky Days as a WalkyTalky-stick within the telepathic dreams send to humans all over the planet.

DOGGY barks to the MOON: WolfY

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